Don't judge me

JiaHui Ashley:)
Just let you know that, you're not alone

My dearest heartest readers;
I am Squirrel the incorrigible animal. Nah, I should just say, JiaHui ! :P
Age is a secret. Toothy teeth is my trademark.

Something you should note is that I have supernatural power. Ngehe!

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RAWR merlion!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010, 10:02 PM

Life has been really hectic boring or rather dull during exam period,one moment i felt suffocated
in the four-walls-room the next moment i was sort of MIA in facebook twitter despite my laziness to update.So much for dealing with DNAs,statistic,new economic model,bio organism especially worms! bytheway worms capable of regenerating like lizards i wonder if spidey would do the same,in case if u already know bear with my shallowness.Well, right after my last paper on friday my boy came to pick me up,packed,left hostel,homed,unpacked and packed my luggage,left house and next,sleeping in coach.i have to say it was kinda rushy(yell!i need time to clear my mind) but doesn't matter since my bf has to work on weekdays i wouldn't wanna miss any chance to travel with him.another part of the reason was mum&dad gonna be away to thai.if you know me u'll know how much i hate slash scared for being home me coward or what,i don't mind.

GAHHH slow line frustrates me.nevermind and sgpore,distance's all that matter taking mrt and walk seems like a norm or maybe singaporean already used to it.from the very first to the last day in sg we both walk-till-legs-can-break or holes under flip-flop.exaggerating*one thing,walking with him can never be boring he does lots of pranks or simply making stupid joke which i couldn't help but laughing all the way,as always.sometimes the simplest thing can be a bliss :)
we were waking up pretty early for universal,as for me i didn't really have proper sleep throughout the night after enduring kicks from his lil cousie,btw i think she snored too hahaha!Departed at seven,courtesy of speedy mrt and monorail we arrived at 9.the weather was cloudy looks like it could've rained in any predicted it was already raining cats and dogs before we entered universalstudio
spending two dollars on raincoat's a must.cos u'll either get wet or probably soaked in Jurassic
or if u're brilliant enough,ella ella maybe you can open up ur umbrella
for photo sake,i almost got wet

speaking of the attractions,i have so much love for the vintage hollywood,of course far-far away castle would be next in my list while 4D show wasn't that impressive as i thought.we entered a room"the dungeon"where there were a talking mirror and suspended prisoner cages.after that we were seated in theater,there were specially-designed stationary seats for kiddo,according to the facilitator he don't wanna see any flying baby over the screen.i was kinda imagining how funny it would be
side note:coaster ride at ancient egypt can never be missed.damn chigek till i barely opened eyes throughout the ride
making her smile was the hardest thing ever.rmb,no matter how hard i tried
hats outside the merchandise store.i don't know if they're selling,display? or providing it for customer to pose. nevertheless it was quite fun playing with varieties of hats. credit to D his king look, that could've made me roll on floor and lmao
MADAGASCAR not my luck,i missed the shaking butt session with mada fellas.
and i have to say mada area was kinda no fun for me(attractions closed) yet i spent some time on the carousel/party-go-around :P
so chuck&blair(cheena version) in front of the vintage build
later at night we did some window-shopping spree at ion orchard.i couldn't spend money on clothes!c'mmon..even cotton-on's more expensive,let alone zara and mng.guess spending one dollar worth for a taste of heaven.btw i chose durian flavor,D had the chocolate one

was asked to choose either marina bay or chinatown the next morning.i had to give up on marina bay :(
#some random photos

THEEND happy ending and lived happily ever after

Info's and Credits.
Applause for them

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