Don't judge me

JiaHui Ashley:)
Just let you know that, you're not alone

My dearest heartest readers;
I am Squirrel the incorrigible animal. Nah, I should just say, JiaHui ! :P
Age is a secret. Toothy teeth is my trademark.

Something you should note is that I have supernatural power. Ngehe!

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Daydream = Hope
Friday, April 29, 2011, 8:05 AM

Lemme just say somethg before u ask:WHY THAT FACE? have you ever seen stressfree student.yes no yes? I haven’t, unless you count the freshmen who screwed up the first half of the semester, say “screw it” to the rest and want to try better in following sem. But that’s not what I’m talking about here.ME? can i yell HELLSTRESS esp when i'm stuck in room with supertense roomies,and they're superhardworking uhmmmyea like how ANTS WORK *ain't kidding.and strangely i had big appetite over the study week,this seems like no-brainer as ppl do usually get to slim down when they're stressed,when i was in room i go for snacks like crispybars,choco candies,mints,lollies AH one thing u wouldnt wanna believe is that i'm drinking ho yan hor tea everyday,just to stay awake cos caffein nvr works on me,i would feel sleepy instead,another odd fact of me heeeehee
Alright four more papers to go.aza-aza fighting squir and for everyone out there :DD BEST LUCK TO SELF and y'all muah

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